
Our trip to the planetarium ties in loosely with my last garbled post on dreams. More peering into the unknown, joining the dots in a starry sky to find images that playfully vanish as fast as they appear, and even a moment’s drooping of the eyelids while lying back in the snug chair and staring up at the ceiling show. They’ve tarted the place up with a full dome projection system, vibrating 4D seats (guilty of my topple into slumber), digital surround sound, ecological exterior lighting etc.

With so many excitable small kids there, we too became a bit silly and giggly waiting for the Journey to the Stars show to start. It was excellent, created by New York’s American Museum of Natural History with help from NASA and other space geeks. We didn’t have Whoopi Goldberg narrating ours though, for obvious linguistical reasons, but someone called Guillermo Lobo, which neatly translates into William Wolf.

This is what we saw outside when emerging from the Milky Way at dusk…

Twinkly stars lit up the planetarium’s nice domed head.

Walking back through the park, break-dancers and skaters were busy on their own planets.

This skater had just been sung happy birthday to and took his cake along for the ride…