Category Archive: Graffiti

San Telmo

The Saturday before Christmas, I ventured into San Telmo and found it blissfully empty. The old neighbourhood south of Plaza de Mayo is usually full of tourists, cooing that they want to live… Continue reading


A cacerola is a saucepan and a cacerolazo is a fantastic pan-banging protest. Those who don’t get out onto the street to do it, hang out their windows to add to the din.… Continue reading

Cultural tendencies & street art

There are some cultural tendencies I notice here in day-to-day life that I continue to register after living in Argentina for four and a half years, but perhaps should be second nature by now. I’ve… Continue reading

Jubilee cake

The queen would have appreciated the cake I made in her honour over the Jubilee weekend. I’m certain of it, although… I did hear on the radio that same weekend that she eats… Continue reading

Mist & colour

We’ve been submerged in mist for over a week now, with some very English drizzle and bone-drenching damp in the mix. There have been a couple of cracker storms, that are famously fantastic… Continue reading