Tag Archive: argentina

Peninsula Valdés

Blimey, blog I have neglected you terribly. It’s been a whirlwind of a summer so far, and suddenly we have just four days left in Argentina. I type the words and it still… Continue reading

Buenos Aires rat race views

I perch on a bench near the office eating my lunch and drinking in this view of the port. The Puente de la Mujer stealing centre stage. ‘Women’s Bridge’ is a terrible translation for… Continue reading

El Viejo Oso Chocolatería

I have discovered a new Argentine chocolate that is pretty sublime. I had walked past El Viejo Oso Chocolatería just a couple of days before I stumbled across my first bar, but was… Continue reading


¡Epa! I’ve managed to skip the whole of June. Since we’ve been back in the Big Smoke, I’ve been embroiled in getting my permanent residency and getting a full-time, in-house job here in… Continue reading

Snow in Bariloche

Ten days ago it fell, in giant flakes like I’d never seen before. Incredibly beautiful to watch the garden turning from green to white as evening fell. Until all was cloaked white, muffled… Continue reading

Semolina monkey puzzle nut cookies

Yes, I sound like I float around in potato sacking, chewing flowers and weaving watercress through my hair. I did not intend to make these earth-mother cookies, they crept up on me. I… Continue reading

Patagonian daybreak

At 08:35 this morning, in San Carlos de Bariloche, Patagonia. This was reminiscent of a Buenos Aires sunset. It doesn’t get light in this pocket of the world until 08:45 these days. Daylight… Continue reading

Argentine-American brownies

A very American recipe – from glamorous Katherine Hepburn, no less, and tweaked by David Lebovitz – using artisan Argentine chocolate. Rapa Nui is my favourite chocolate shop here in Bariloche, with its… Continue reading

Autumn in Patagonia

A particularly magnificent walk in the full flush of autumn, about three weeks ago. Now the clumps of red berries hang alone on the fiery tree above. I walked to the top of… Continue reading

Perito Moreno Glacier

Lots of excitement on the 9 o’clock bus heading out of El Calafate to Perito Moreno glacier… And then there it was suddenly, a thick icy rug reaching as far back as the… Continue reading